
Minwoo Hyun

About Me

I am a fifth-year Ph.D. candidate in Economics at the UC Santa Barbara, and a Special Sworn Researcher with the U.S. Census Bureau. My research focuses on the economics of energy and the environment, with a particular interest in labor and public policy issues. Currently, I am investigating the economic challenges of the energy transition, including the labor reallocation of fossil fuel workers and the fiscal impacts on coal-dependent local governments. I will be on the 2025–26 academic job market.
Email: minwoohyun12[at]gmail.com
CV | Google Scholar

Working Papers

Trapped and Transferred: Skill Constraints and Geographic Frictions in the Energy Transition
Fossil Fuels and Fiscal Federalism: How Intergovernmental Transfers Respond to Local Coal Industry Declines
Industrial Decline Raises Juvenile Antisocial Behavior: Evidence from US Coal Communities
Bounds, Benefits, and Bad Air: Welfare Impacts of Pollution Alerts (with Michael Anderson and Jaecheol Lee)
Conditionally Accepted, The Economic Journal


Feasibility trade-offs in decarbonisation of power sector with high coal dependence: A case of Korea (with Aleh Cherp, Jessica Jewell, Youngjae Kim, and Jiyong Eom)
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Transition (2023)
Increase in household energy consumption due to ambient air pollution (with Jiyong Eom, Jaewoong Lee, and Hyoseop Lee)
Nature Energy (2020)
Assessing the impact of a demand-resource bidding market on an electricity generation portfolio and the environment (with Yeongjae Kim and Jiyong Eom)
Energy Policy (2020)


Harvard Kennedy School Climate Economics Pipeline Workshop (2024)
Oral Presentation; Cambridge (MA), the United States
Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AERE) Annual Summer Conference (2024)
Oral Presentation in Concurrent Session; Washington (DC), the United States
Western Economic Association International (WEAI) Annual Conference (2023)
Oral Presentation in Concurrent Session; San Diego (CA), the United States
Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AERE) Annual Summer Conference (2023)
Oral Presentation in Concurrent Session; Portland (ME), the United States
London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) Environment Day (2023)
Oral Presentation in Long-Talk Session; London, the United Kingdom